Are YOU still there when you’ve reached your limit of inner demons?
Everyone’s heard of them. Most have talked about them. Some have wrestled and fought them. Still, others spend a lifetime living with them.
They are very personal and a little different for each person, and they can seem to be a “built-in” part of you, a natural part of thinking and the mind.
You may have experienced them in yourself or others. Doubts, insecurities and unwanted thoughts. They can shatter self-confidence and keep you from being your “best self”.
And, though you might keep them to yourself, they often rear their ugly head in outward appearances, making them other people’s demons (and problems) too!
But, do such “evil spirits” in fact exist in your mind, working against your best efforts to just be you? Are they destined to be an indelible part of you?
That depends on what approach you take to looking at them. They don’t have to be if you know one thing very thoroughly:
It’s not about WHAT THEY ARE, but WHO YOU ARE!
Are you doomed to be at the beck and call of your inner demons?
You may have dismissed them as, simply, “part of your personality” or one of your “quirks” or idiosyncrasies. Perhaps you have even identified with them or have been encouraged to do so.
But, are they a part of the real you?
And, if they aren’t, are YOU still in there somewhere, buried beneath them?
You may have wondered whether these demons are native residents or unwanted guests. But the latter makes more sense if you begin to understand the problem from a more logical approach.
The understanding comes, not from what’s wrong, but from what’s right.
The answer is not about getting to the bottom of what’s wrong with your thinking, your thoughts or your mind. It’s in answering the question, “What is the human mind SUPPOSED TO do?”
Find this answer, and the problem unfolds before your eyes.
What are your native traits? Finding yourself…
Everyone talks about problems, issues, demons, stresses and struggles and seeks to tackle, fight, or counteract them. But what are they fighting and why?
Having only learned “Psychology” in college, largely composed of “abnormalities” of human behavior, the constructs of the human mind remain a mystery.
But how can any useful and practical study of something exclude the structure, function and purpose of the very thing to which it’s being applied?
If you were going to be a mechanic and wanted to repair automobiles, wouldn’t you need to primarily understand “working cars” before you could attempt to diagnose one, let alone fix it?
If you were a civic engineer and needed to resolve a problem with a roadway, wouldn’t you need to understand what a roadway is for, what its function and ideal structure are before you could address any malfunctions with it?
Do you know those traits you once had and have lost, ones you perhaps wish you had back? The happiness you once felt that was yours inherently? These are a condition of an optimally-functioning mind. Everything else, the doubts, fears and unwanted thoughts, is just a manifestation of malfunction.
But, in absence of knowledge of the ideal, optimum state of something, how could you ever possibly hope to do anything about it, let alone WITH it?
So, the right question to ask is:
How is your mind supposed to operate in the ideal?
What is it supposed to do for you? And, for that matter, where do you exist beneath all of this?
Hello? Are you still in there?
So, are inner demons part of you or have they turned you “inside out”?
There is a simple answer…
More than 70 years ago, someone finally had the foresight to ask the question no one in 100 years of Psychology had posed:
What is the mind, what is its purpose and how is it SUPPOSED TO function?
That discovery led to finding out what actually makes us tick, what motivates us and how the mind is supposed to work in our favor and not against us.
It was then that the solution to problems of the mind was finally able to be understood and addressed, permanently and without further need to “cope”.
“Demons” were then exposed, explained and comprehended.
And not just by an “intelligent few” but anyone, anywhere, with no formal education required other than a simple understanding of the basic anatomy of the human mind.
These demons, isolated and understood, and the mind explained, someone is found beneath it all: That person is YOU.
And the solution to digging yourself out is at hand.
Indeed, you can actually sort things out and distinguish “you” from “not you” by understanding how your mind is supposed to work. And you can, yourself, work veritable miracles with that information alone.
You would, however, need to take an ideal approach to get there.
The ideal approach to getting rid of demons…
Don’t want to have to live with the demons living inside you? You’ll need an optimum solution that takes into account the real, underlying cause.
The ideal way of righting the situation would involve several components.
First, you would need to understand the mind, its basic mechanics, what its intended use is and how it should operate in the ideal. After all, if you don’t know its ideal or optimum state, how could you ever even know anything is wrong with it?
It’s like a person who goes to “auto mechanic school” only to study broken-down cars!
This has been the age-old problem of only addressing abnormalities. It doesn’t lead to resolution and, there are so many of them, they begin to seem normal. After that, nothing ever seems to be wrong.
If you understand what’s normal first, however, you can instantly see what’s not.
Next, you would need to grasp that, if something starts out in its optimum condition and becomes problematic, it is a matter of cause and effect. Something occurred, a cause, and later in time, the effects were manifest.
With this knowledge in hand, the ideal approach would then have to include plotting a sort of timeline to trace issues back in time to their causes. This would be a MUST for resolving any issue permanently.
After that, you would have to evolve your understanding that the problem is impermanent and could be fixed for good. Coping would cease to be the goal, and efforts at relieving the problem would be replaced by targeting the riddance of the problem altogether.
Finally, you would need to be guided through a systematic process of discovering the causes and putting things right. The ideal solution would include for you to discover, reveal, and release yourself from the artificialities, the demons themselves, that have been inhibiting you.
It would restore, permanently, happiness that is native in you, which would accrue cumulatively, progressively placing more and more of it under your control. All of it giving you back a calm sense of peace and happiness you once knew but have somehow lost.
It would especially allow you to do the looking and interpreting and only guide you through the process rather than evaluate your observations for you. The conclusions would be yours and yours alone.
And, it wouldn’t take years, but hours or days with, in weeks or months, more potential recovered than you had previously imagined.
Overall, it would have to help you find the most important thing of all: YOU!
Doesn’t that sound like a better approach than years of grueling “talk therapy” and counseling, coping mechanisms or otherwise “living with” your innermost demons?
If only that ideal “therapy” existed…
But it does…
How do you turn your ‘inner demons’ into your ‘inner self’?
When demons turn you “inside out” and seem to take over control, what can you do other than obey them?
If you resolve to understand, not demons, but your mind itself, its mechanics, structure, purpose and ideal function, you will soon realize you not only don’t have to have issues with it but that your potential for happiness and optimum function in life is far greater than you ever imagined.
It is with this understanding that the other components of the “optimum therapy” begin to work their magic. By understanding them, and tracing effects back to their causes on your personal timeline, you are able to isolate the real problems and distinguish what’s really you from what isn’t. Achieving this, riddance becomes possible.
This ideal type of program, though it sounds as mystical and mythical as demons themselves, is actually as real as reality itself, and its results can be achieved in a relatively short time compared to years of “fighting” with it “therapeutically” and endlessly. It’s been around for more than 70 years helping people take back the happiness these so-called “demons” have buried.
It all starts with a manual that you can obtain and use to get educated on the purpose and function of the ideal mind, do a little self-assessment and get started on restoring your native happiness, that which has been buried under years of negative experience.
It includes metrics you can use to measure your progress and calculate the cumulative happiness that you have freed and restored from where it was previously entrapped.
Our Self-Counseling program features all of these optimum components and is closely supervised by a professional who is trained in this approach and who will guide you through it set-by-step, gain-by-gain, helping you recover progressively more of your own happiness.
Overall, it makes you more yourself.
Want to find out more about how to get started?
You can take the Master Your Mind Self-Test here to get a free assessment, or you can just call to inquire at (727) 216-5504 or email
Wouldn’t it be worth a few minutes of your time to get back the potential that was once yours but has been stolen, blatantly, from your grips?
Don’t let the demons keep it. It was never theirs.
It belongs to you. Now you can take it back!